Monday, September 29, 2014

What does it mean to live your life in partnership with the Divine?

First, who or what is Divinity? :)
The truth is that anyone could write a 500-page book describing Divinity and it would still not be enough.  So here is one of my own working definitions to start with: The Divine is the Life/Death/Creative Force of the Universe. We are a part of it and it is also Greater than us.
Divinity is impersonal and yet, to be in direct relationship with it is the most intimate thing that we can do. (The Divine is also Paradox!)

What I am proposing is the practice of participating in that relationship and living your life in partnership with Divinity.

Why would you want to be in partnership with Divinity?
My answer to that is another question: What if you don't? Yes, you can ignore the Divine. You can live a mundane life, trusting only in people and things and that which you can see and what other people say is the way to live. And what of your life? What does it mean? What have you missed? Have you fulfilled your ultimate potential on all levels?
You have the choice.

How do you participate in relationship with Divinity?
No, you don't need to go to church, belong to a religion, pay alms, get on your knees or do anything that anybody might say or tell you is right.  Your relationship with Divinity is always PERSONAL. There is no right or wrong way.
You can start by ACKNOWLEDGING Divinity. Everyday. How? Talk to the Divine in whatever way feels right. Ask the Divine to Show You. Show Itself to you. Show you the Way--what it wants you to do. Ask the Divine to Bless your life and work with you. Yup. It's really simple. Once you open the door in this way, the Magic will start happening.

The next step is to LISTEN to the Divine. How do you do that if you are not hearing voices?
You do it by paying attention. The Divine is always speaking to us--through signs, synchronicities, songs, numbers, animals...there is no limit to the ways the Divine will answer you and show you the Way.

Once you cultivate that relationship and you are serious about living your life in Divine partnership, that relationship becomes your PRIMARY relationship.

You are now on your Way to fulfilling the Ultimate Potential of your Heart, Mind, Body and Soul. This is not the easiest Path. But it is the Path of those committed to Giving and Being and Seeing beyond the small scope of human ego and desire.

I love you and Bless your Path and I am here for support if you feel called to ask it of me.

Sherri Glebus